понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

article life plant

So being back to school again was fun. This course, thatapos;s only gonna be this week, seems pretty easy and two out of three assignments were in groups. We were in groups of four and I had some fun people in my group. We did one assignment right there and then got our second one due tomorrow. Weapos;re writing about alcohol abuse at work places and weapos;re gathering facts and information separately today and will put it together tomorrow. But tomorrow morning weapos;ll be having the fire safety course too. Itapos;s gonna be pretty exciting.

Starting next week Iapos;ll be taking two courses and work from home, since my class is doing two other courses that Iapos;ve already completed. So I get to do this while they have that. I got the papers and all the assignments Iapos;m gonna have to do those five weeks. I chose Psychology B as an extra cause I love the subject. Then I have Rehabilitation/habilitation. Talked to my teacher, N, about how studying from home works, with the assignments and all that. When we were already talking about stuff she asked me about next semester. We saw that after this semester I only have three courses left until Iapos;m officially done and will be an assistant nurse. Two of those courses Iapos;ll be studying from home cause it was easier to do, cause one of the courses were mixed with one I already have. Does it make any sense? :)

So, Iapos;ll be done by this spring. Pretty cool. :D

But all that talk made me think about the Florida trip, so I called the mom about how far along theyapos;ve come and how things are looking. They still have a lot left to go through and said they keep getting re-directed instead of getting proper help. But theyapos;re pretty sure it will happen and donapos;t think it will be a problem. Nothingapos;s 100 sure yet though, so it might go either way. But if it does go through, Iapos;ll be leaving around January 24:th next year and be back home in Sweden around March 24:th. :) So until I know for sure if this happens, Iapos;m not gonna mention it to my teacher. If I go, Iapos;ll talk to them about studying from Florida, if I�m already gonna be studyine at home, it might not be a big difference if Iapos;m in another country. :P

I have to study the last course here though, cause it requires me to study in class and have a 4-week internship. (This course will be my major.)

Wow, this might be totally boring for you to read. Iapos;m just really talkative. :)

On another note;�Iapos;m really excited about Friday cause Iapos;m going to Gothenburg to see Frida. :D Weapos;re gonna watch the new Supernatural episode together.

curets egg, article life plant, article life past regression, article life ocean, article life news science.

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