воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aljezeera news

I see two most of the time on a clear night.� They are cocky and come down closer at times.� Seemingly around other males, that may appear to be trying to date me and I have no clue.� Why that they take an interest in someone trying to date me is beyond my comprehension.� But, I found video footage and identified the exact ship that would create an orb like ship and it was top secret military crap.

There blows the idea of heavenly interventions.� WHich, I must confess, is highly suspect--- in the fact that I believe that heaven and hell were manmade. That the church takes confessions and has a secret freemasonry military and army that destroys evil, but, creates evil by them. Hey, this is simply a wild hypothesis that has been scratching my surfaces ever since knowing that ST. JOHN is part of the freemasonry and the Catholic church.� It bothered me and enough to see the equivalence.� It is twofold in wonders.

One, being it could be the same church creating an evil to balance the good.�

Two, it could be that they just mock the catholic church and truly are enemies.�

But, it would be brilliant for the Catholic church to deny the freemasons membership, to hide their association.�

Though, honestly, deep down inside, I believe this may all be bullshit and that St. Johnapos;s is a mockery to the Catholic church to appear holy in genuine charity veiled goodness frauded evil, when they are a factory breeding murder, control and citizen removal, capitalism through heiness crimes and pushing people into high positions of power through the vehicle of that powerhead to continue to execute people... And their existance is simply a military, alien execution squad extention.�

But, if it were a controlled manmade heaven and hell on earth.� That the rest is a farce fairy tale that will never become real. ....That when you are put on a hitlist, it is supposed to be done because you are a vile criminal with no purpose who did something unspeakable to another human being.�� Not a mom running from someone who held her prisoner to threats and murder who wanted to save her child from the murder by this psychopath.� Definite lies were told and you would think that grown men in great positions would have a clue and not take part.� But, I can conclude that all brutal men are idiots.

I have had witnesses and have proven that yes, what I say is true and they have seen it for themselves.�

Now, through the wall, an electrical blade came out.� I will not tell you what color it is, as it could give away details that can be stopped.� So, I will not reveal that part. I saw a flash.� But, before this happened, I felt my neck bubble up, as though something was trying to get out of my neck or being drawn up from my neck.� I know this sounds strange.� Believe me, it feels freaking strange.� But, our blood people is comprised of blood vessels with iron in it and in that blood, if you take a magnet between the area, you can pull on it and can explain just how this could be done and how weird it is to feel.� It was quite turmultous inside my neck and attempting to come out of my neck, let me tell you that much. (maybe it was my soul trying to run away from this fucked up life...LOL).

Now, to interrupt that and bring you to what the significance of the neck is, I will share some details Iapos;m aware of.

1. That the neck is where the spirit enters.�
2. That the neck is where spiritual parasites enter/hold onto and go into your body for those spiritual possessions.

Oh, what is that, you donapos;t believe in that?� Oh, okay, that is why the military has complete lengthy programs for naval assassinators training them in black magic and sorcery.� Okay, now shut the fuck up and let me talk so you glean some shit from my testimony.

3.� That the neck is where the HOLY spirit enters your body and possesses it (same thing, difference in malevolence or benevolence)...

Okay, donapos;t believe in this, huh?� Okay, why is it that no one is told who the "exorcist is" within a catholic church?� It is really simple, as evil spiritual beings from other dimensions can take over a body, so can they murder those that can stop them.

So, what exactly is the power that is given to Exorcist that...letapos;s say, the common people cannot do themselves?� It is really simple, "They cannot do black magic because they are told not to by their document written by Francis Bacon, a freemason"."�

(francis bacon, also told us not to accept the microchip (mark of the beast) and have us die instead..well, it is a good way to kill off the christians without having to do a fn thing.� But, can you imagine having your entire life monitored and manipulated?� Well, I can tell you, you would not, its creepy and trust me, it is.� You can barely get away from these freaks.

Yes, the catholic church miracles are all about magic and playing with the spirits.� But, they donapos;t want you playing with them because you wonapos;t be responsible and how can the corporation make any money? We are talking huge power 1/3 of the people mass income to the church.� I think they can be swayed a bit by donation to pray a little harder for some and not others.

There is talk that to get their own people to devote their time and effort to the church, they have the freemasons destroy their lives economically, professionally and family so they come running to the church and say, "Iapos;m so grateful, now that the church is here to rescue me...that ....I will devote my life to the church."....if that is true, trust me, the church will burn down by divine intervention on itapos;s own.

So, it is also, the neck that is where the possession can come out of.

They say, that when you are to die, your soul is removed from your neck or exits your shell body from the neck....and itapos;s like you slip off your body like a glove.�

So, if this is true, then, we have an idea of what could have gone on physically in my neck.�

Okay, my friends, this is when it gets freaky:

4.� First off, Iapos;ve never had anything bubble up in my neck before. It felt like some tiny being trying to crawl out of my skin and stuck behind the physical portion of it.

Ah, yaaaaaah.� Like I donapos;t have a boring life.

Well, now, here we go down the rabbit hole.� My neck is bubbling and I feel something messing with my neck and bubbling up.� My witness watched it and was horrified with me.� I said, "No shit WTF is happening to me?"

Well, I go with the flow.� So, I relaxed, while holding onto my neck bubbling and said, "Please handle it for me." (I have help.)� I put 100 percent of my faith in my body guards. I continued to play the game I was involved in and thought nothing of it, but, apos;when is this bubbling going to stopapos; and questioned, "is this the technology the military uses to create clusters of blood clots to kill people?".� I relaxed in saying, "Probably, oh well it is what Godapos;s wills, if He chooses me to stop my job, so be it. But, Iapos;d really like to stay."

Then, out of nowhere, my witness saw a 6 foot tall being walk right through the wall with a blue sword and drew it later for me so I could see what they saw, compared to what I saw and felt.� It was quite the freak show for people that are not used to this life.

All I saw was a bright flash of light coming in through the wall, race and the blade, which to me looked like a lightning bolt to me, stabbed/jolted my neck.� I could feel the pain of it.� Whatever was in my neck travelled to my foot.� My calf was rumbling like my neck.

Again, I grabbed my neck, this time with piercing pain.

My witness saw the 6apos; white person run out the window.� I didnt see a thing.

They asked, WTF was that and why did it attack you?

I laughed, I dontapos; think it was attacking me.� I think it stopped something.

They said, apos;No, the sword stabbed you in the neck.apos;

I reminded, apos;Yes, but, remember, my neck was bubbling up.apos;

Maybe someone was sucking my soul out to possess my soul outside my body and leave me for dead.� And, I just had some superhero spiritual galactic war hero come slay him from taking my soul so I could finish my work here. LOL. One thing I can say if that is true is that my holy spirit guide is shivering in my calf right now plotting itapos;s escape. LOL.

I laughed so hard, after all this went down.� Great, now, Iapos;m the shell being used for some galactic angel/spirit/demon war.

One thing is for certain, Iapos;m no longer touched by unseen beings sensually.� No more am I pushed towards my body guard to sleep with him.� No more do I have any of that happen.� It ceased as soon as that white bolt hit me.

The strange thing is that it came from the gold orbs direction in the sky...through the wall.

I went on youtube to find the other victims.� I did manage to find they were able to video tape the military technology of lazer beams, captured only with IR type video cameras and do not appear with the naked eyes.� They claim that this lazer beam is the beam used for microwave mind control. (I donapos;t glow green in the dark, yet, from this torture.)

But, we saw it with the naked eye and this was very different.� Perhaps, it is the military technology that inflicts pain.�

I have had that happen.� Funny, I think that was a fluke thing.� Military laser beam technology --to inflict pain to move people----accidently shooting off base?� No.� Maybe, but, chances are not.� It was right next to the base in Newport, RI.� I was driving by one day going to college for research (study aholic-even after college--they caught on to me and kicked me out) and this bizarre appearing woman walked out of the base area.� I thought, "Holy crap, that woman doesnapos;t look real.� She looks like a zombie.� I thought, "I wonder if that is what they mean by invasion of the body snatchers and if it were true.� Where the aliens take over the body and the person there becomes a zombie controlled by them."

Trust me, this freak woman was u l g y. ...and looked like a zombie that could barely function.� It was like watching a dead corpse suit that was too big skin wise... On an alien...that is what it reminded me of. But, as soon as I thought those thoughts looking right at her, she darted me a sharp look of "HOLY FUCK she knew what I just thought."...and sure enough, I was inflicted /shot with such intense pain to the inside of my head.� The entrance of the laser was above the ear in the occipital right side region, the pain was inflicted within the center of the brain and at the hypothygalmus..(is that a word---give me an A for effort, then.) LOL.� Then, it stopped and still hurt on my skull on the inside of the right occipital.� But, one thing is for sure, it was a military lazer weapon.� I went the next day to the military station.� I was stopped at the gates, which I knew would happen.� I told the guard, "You may want to tell the people that need to know their lazer weapon zapped me painfully in the head the other day."�

He said, "Lady, what the hell are you talking about..."

He was cocky and denying me any access to being confirmed.� Instead, he continued to berate me, put me down and call me a lunatic.� I let him know that he was letting my lack of uniform betray his ability to know who and what I know.�

He quickly said, "Lady, they do that lazer shit on the other side."

I insisted, "Well, they fucking missed and it hit me with their little secret weapon.� Get them to be more careful or else."

Then, he went back to berating me.

I said, "You must think me a moron.� You just admitted it is on the other side.� Now, you are afraid.� (like these pieces of work donapos;t think I know what the truth is with my ability to hear them internally).� If you donapos;t stop them. I will. You make only a fool of yourself speaking to me or the public that keeps you paid and housed...by speaking to me in that fashion. There are a lot more people that know more than you know.� I guess you have just met one of them. So, you better watch how you treat people.� It may come to bite you in the ass one day. You have no idea who I even am.� Next time, get to know your audience before you to running your mouth with lies and berations to a woman."

He looked pained.

I hope you enjoy my little bedtime stories.

Just remember, we the people, there are so much more of them than us.

Now, I wonder why we became the enemy?

Itapos;s really simple.� What happens when you steal from someone you take care of?

You want to protect that theft and keep others from knowing about your guilt and create a facade that all is well, right and the victims are crazy to accuse you...

Well, criminals survive by destroying their victims testimony.� THe funniest part is those that are doing all the work, will never see the riches their rulers have...and the reason for that is that they are merely their pimped out suckers.� Nothing but whores for their evil.

Those pawns would and do kill their own because they feel pride in helping those that have no respect for them.....

Oh we will promote you....you will become more successful if yout take part in and successfully murder these victims...we will rise you to power.....

Yes, at the expense of your being found out.�

People arenapos;t putting up with this fraud as much as you think they are....

Itapos;s unravelling..and so is the truth... Of murder that is bleeding out all over our streets.

And when you go to take that magic wand that finds hidden blood on walls, it is ultraviolent waves....purple....even......

It will show the blood on those you looked up to.....it will show the victims bloods on your hands, as well....

The question of the day is:� How duped and trapped are you to murder your own kind....?

Is this for the good of the future of mankind?

Uh, no.� Iapos;d watch "Loganapos;s RUN" if I were you.� You will get a more accurate detail of what will happen when you evolve ...to the future....a better future.....where people can imagine what clothes they can wear and it simply appears....do you know why that is?

You are a spirit, dead....no longer living, caput, dead gone and buried.

You are nothing more than a dead murdered genocidal� carcass waiting to happen.

What you need to be more aware of is this massive genocide was meant to happen once and was destroyed.......HITLER... (so if immortals are real.....then, someone got wiser to their mistakes of the past that allowed the destruction of their genocide one world power domination.)

And now, you are about to find out what it is like to realize you are taking part in genocide a genocide that wonapos;t fail this time as it became clever and more methodically trapping through threats and murder......of their own forces.....if they did not do what they say....

Remember, there are more� of us, than them.� Get organized. Rescue the victims and defeate them, instead.

aljezeera news, aljezeera net, aljezeera english, aljezeera.

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